Giving Back to BVES

BVESA happily accepts direct contributions as part of its ongoing fund drive in any and all amounts.  Please make all checks payable to “BVESA” and send your tax deductible donations to the following address:
BVESA Fundraising
Bedford Village Elementary School
45 Court Street
Bedford, NY 10506
Please be sure to include your name and current mailing address on your check; BVESA is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, and will send you a receipt for income tax purposes.  As always, BVESA’s fundraising efforts support assemblies, educational enrichment, and more for everyone at BVES.  Thank you so much for your support!

Shop to Support BVES

a.com_logo_RGBWhen you shop at, Amazon donates back to our school.


Box Tops For Education

boxtopSave “Box Tops For Education” coupons from food products that your family uses and send them to school with your child. This fundraiser costs you nothing but a few extra minutes, and adds up to a lot of cash (over $650 last school year!) For each valid Box Top turned in BVES receives 10 cents. The Box Tops For Education appear on many products made by General Mills, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Old El Paso, Green Giant, Totinos, Yoplait and Progresso. For more ways to help our school raise money, check out their website at

Target Credit or Target Visa Card

When you apply for a Target Credit or Target Visa Card, designate BVES as the school you want to receive donations. Every time you shop at Target or and use your card, Target will donate 1% of your purchases to BVES in the form of a cash rebate.



Employer Matching Funds

Employer Matching Funds – Many businesses and major companies match donations made by their employees to non-profit organizations. So if you make a direct contribution to BVESA it is worth checking with your employer to see if they have a matching program.  Contact us if you have any questions.